Sunday, October 27, 2013

Rev Run and the Hindi language Oct 27, 2013

Her name Is Frances and she is brilliant,
and she is the newest member of the church in Tavua, Fiji

This week was great! We set a new record in our area for the most people
OYMed,..or most people contacted, because people only speak hindi here, and no one
wants to talk with the Elders..

 The number was 28. I'ts not that much but its the most in a
long long time.
I was way happy and the district leader was freaking out..
We are going to beat that this week as well.

Time is flying by so fast.. I've realized the harder you work the faster
time I think I'm gonna slack off a little bit, so it can slow down. Ahah just

I've realized my Hindi sucks, because I can barely understand these people,
Thats okay because i've only been studying it for about two or three
months on and off..

Since I have been in Tavua my Hindi vocabulary has more than doubled..

Welp, life is good. God really does bless us when we do his will and we are all
in his good graces..

There is  no Halloween or thanksgiving here.
The biggest holiday of the year is next week. Nov 1,
It is in remembrance of when there god Ram was being guided back to India after being imprisoned in Siberia. He was led home by some power or something..
So people just make a ton of Indian sweets and get wasted..  I'm looking forward to it.. a member invited us over to her house..

God is love...
 Rev Run..
& Elder Moulton

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Teaching in Hindi

Hello my mother..      October, 20.2013
This week was amazing..
I got called last sunday at midnight saying that im going to the other side of the island to the indian side..
and to pack my bags because I would be leaving at 6 a.m the next day so I only slept about 3 hours that night..
not because I was packing but because I was so pumped..
I get on a bus and it was an eight hour bus ride.. it was the worst..
At least there was A.C.
My companion is a stud his name is elder Motuliki,
He is from New Zealand but he is a bug soft Tongan..
and i am his mother..
He didn't say it, but president sent me over here so I can get fluent in Hindi..
Just in this past weed my hindi vocabulary has more than doubled, its crazy...
and  I am contacting everyone in hindi,,
I'm going to change this area.. Its a ward but there are only about fifty active..
There are not many Indian people that are active  because elders haven't been giving them much love..
Not many elders actually try to learn hindi..
My companion is great, he is so opened to learning from me and he talks so much..
He doesn't have an off switch..but he is awesome..

We had a baptism last weekend and it went so well,
The ladies name is Mele and she is 28 and she was so happy when I came because she
could finally understand what the elders are saying::: ahah.. Fijian is a hard language..
I started talking and after like ten seconds she complemented me on my Fijian..
I was way happy because most missionaries here don't end up getting the language fluently and I;m gonna be the one to do that.

I love you, God Bless
Elder Moulton

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Welcome home dinner in Fiji

August 4, 2013 Splitting the mission and Samu

Hey Beautiful,

This week was great.

We have another baptism, his name is Samu. He is my favorite investigator on the mission. He studies the lesson before we teach them. Ahah!  We ended the lesson the other day, and before we bore testimony of it he said "wait.. I would like to bear my testimony.. Pause.. is that  alright?... He  then bore his testimony.  It was such a wonderful experience! Then Kamenielli, the guy we baptized last week, blessed the sacrament and I was so proud. He is such and awesome guy.

Jesus the Chris is the best book I have ever read.  I'm so fascinated with it.  As soon as I finished it I went to the first page and started reading again. I'm also reading an old teaching manual from the old prophet George Albert Smith and it is incredible. I shared a story from it last night at a lesson and I started bawling. The story is about this little orphan boy who had to get surgery and all he wanted was for the Lord to help him. He stopped the doctors and asked them to pray for him, they all said no.. so he knelt on the surgery table and prayed and all the doctors started crying. It is such a great story.

Lots of changes.. I got word that we are splitting my area because it is so big. There are 25 more missionaries coming from America next month.. I think that I am training... we will see.

I'm sorry that life isn't always peaches Momma,  Work will get better.Just think, you could be a Fijian lady, who can't take naps because she is to busy working, then comes home and slaves for her family and isn't even aloud to eat with them. She eats alone in the kitchen. It's horrible but we cant correct their culture. I would love to but I can't.

Eating on the floor really murders my knees, but houses here don't have couches or chairs. its because we are on the other side of the world, the bottom side, so we would be sitting on the ceiling.

This work is so hard, but so rewarding.  I love being a missionary but I think I am gonna die of old age before I get home. haha

Elder Moulton

Monday, July 29, 2013

July 28.2013 Back in Suva and walking 5 hours a day

Dear Mamma,

This week was good. I officially got permission from my mission president to learn Hindi, to study full on.. which will be good. We had a baptism this week and that was cool. His name is Kamenielli, Its crazy how important a ward is to missionary work. I could never be a great missionary if I didn't have great members behind me. I wish that every missionary could realize that... we are not just all that matters. The ward is the main cause for conversion.

The little boy is that is holding up a one finger in the picture is the funniest kid ever. His name is Peniasi, which is Benjamin. The girl right next to me is Dilo, and she is so adorable.She loves to dance, and it is so cute.

So I just got into this area (nasinu) and it was my first day. I am just clueless to whats going on and we go to this guys house and I'm thinking that the elders have previously taught him all of the lessons and given him a baptismal date but he hadn't even been taught the first lesson yet. He and I got along really well and I asked if he was excited to be baptized and he said that the elders haven't talked about it. So i asked him if he wanted to be baptized and he said yes.  He was baptized last weekend.He is such and awesome man and is going to serve a mission in a year.

Its really hard in this area to learn Hindi. I have no help here at all because I am in a straight fijian ward, but that just makes me want to try harder. We have three solid baptisms this next month.

The ward is so great here, this is the most christian country in the world, people aren't afraid to show their religion., The ward loves to help and there is a reason I am here... to get the ward to help out way more. This is the first ward I've been in on my mission. It is way nice. 
 This is by far my slowest area...So much walking... about five hours a day..
I love you momma, I will talk to you more some other day..
I love you so much. God bless you..

Til next week..
Elder Moulton

Suva July 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

July 14,2013

Hello my Beautiful.
It has been another week gone by.
I hit a year in like 100 days.
Time is flying,
I'm in my new area right by Suva. I'ts the outskirts like the Herriman of Suva,
It's pretty dang ghetto. Its good because there are like eight people in the ward with cars, so that is nice.

I've realized how important a healthy strong ward is. I've been working really hard here.  I have done lots of walking and I haven't really had any problems with my feet. So thats good! Lots of Fijian here. I am the senior companion so that is pretty cool as well and I love it.

 My companion thinks he knows as much Fijian as me but he is constantly asking me meanings of words and how to say stuff. but he is a good guy we get along really well. He is funny too. You would like him. My new area is smothered in mud and it literally rains here everyday. 

I have never really cared about a ward before, but I have noticed how important the relief society is now. They are the key to conversion. Someone said that missionaries are the most important but I know the women in the wards are.

My companion's name Elder Grotepas. He is from Syracuse Utah. He is 19 and a good guy..

Here is a picture of us.

That's me on the right in case you forgot what i look like..

We have a way sweet flat..
We live in the sister's old flat.. They moved out because there were some problems and they got sent home.
 It's a way nice place and I am happy to be here.  There are tons of members and I am in a fijian ward.. WARD,WARD,, its so nice!!

I haven't met too many people yet.  I threw out the baptism question to a young man and he excepted before we even taught the first lesson, I didn't know where he was at but we clicked way fast, and he said yes.. so there will be a baptism on the 27th of this month.  He he is from a member family,, he is so strong fifth time going to church,, its great, he wants to serve a mission

 I spent 20 bucks today on mexican food, I just had to because it was incredible.. I miss good food so much..
There apparently is a lot of delicious food here, but it is definately not as good as yours, or the Terrys..

Elder Moulton

Sunday, June 30, 2013

My dearest mother..
This week has been another great week. We are really trying to get the members involved in teaching.
Half of our lessons this week were with members which is really hard here.
I have been super busy trying to speak Hindi, you would be so proud of my progress in just a week.
I'm also learning how to read Sanskrit. We have an investigator that is teaching me.
The work is going really well and I am so happy.. I love this place. So fun.
I'm taking care of two branches. One has over 500 members but 80% of them are inactive because they are so dang racist.
I love it because I can't Iaugh about it..
My companion is named Elder Hancock.  We get along great.

 Love you Dalberticus

Sunday, June 2, 2013

I have a name sake

Dear Family and Friends,

I found out last night that I have a name sake and I started crying.. Their are the greatest people back in Sigatoka and the wife is Vanessa and the husband is Amritt.
Amritt is a recent convert to the church and I would go visit about 3 times a week and they would feed us.  When I left Vanessa told me that I'm the only missionary that Amrit has ever wanted to be friends with and they just had a baby and his middle name is Dallin.. They told the elders there they named him after me..!

This has been such an amazing week. Me and elder Rokodakunivosa went to Lakeba. That doesn't mean anything to you guys but we are the first two elders to ever have gone to Lakeba. It was such an awesome experience. I almost died like ten times... its the best ha ha.. 

I get a new companion.  His name is Elder Hancock, and he is a way cool guy I already know him. It should be fun..

I feel so much love here.. 
this place is wild..
Love your ever adoring..

Elder Ronald Reagan 

I can't tell you how stoked I'm am about missionary work.. sometimes it's so slow and you have to do some stuff you just never want to do but you must be willing to do it and just go the extra little mile.

A typical day.

 woken up by the sun
 cup of cocoa
 make a lesson, i started a lesson book of sunday 
district and zone meeting lessons,
12:00 go into town for lunch, there is a way good chinese place,
after that lessons scattered all over the rest of the day
sometimes eat dinner at the Terry's and/or go back to that chinese place or be fed after a lesson with an investigator..
9;30 usually go to bed..

The elders from Seaqaqa are sometimes up in Labasa an they are really good company,
almost all Fijian lessons. 


The poorest most loving family in the world.. Arian birthday(not staged..)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

may 2013 Labasa, Fiji

Water, bridges, sharks and weird dialect

Dear Everyone,      May 19,2013

 That Dangea fever rumor you heard about... if you get it twice you will die!! Not true.. People get it quite often here. 
So. We were on such a crazy dirt road for four hours just flying. We ended up in this little village and it was great. We were in the river for about four hours. (Walking )  It was so cold but was so great!  We had two baptisms there.
 There is this little bridge that we drove over... super sketchy... The river is the deepest river in Fiji and it is full of sharks! My heart was pumping just looking at it! ahah!!!. I'm never coming home..!!!

My Fijian is actually better than I thought. I kept twenty people entertained the other night during an interview that lasted for about an hour. They were just shooting questions at me in their weird dialect. I cannot believe I survived it.
I'm going to come home completely fluent.. I hope... 

Thanks for stopping by..

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Baptism happening in the oceans of Fiji

Hola mi amigos, 
No one in Fiji has ever heard spanish before. I keep trying to talk to them but they just look at me like I am an idiot. But that okay!

This week was just Dapper. I love feeling the spirit and that is all I try to do.

I want to be the fun teacher.  Its still hard because I am not the best at the language yet. I want to be the person people ask "when are you coming back" and they just want you to come back and teach them while they are just so pumped to listen to you. I'm in love with being a missionary.

This week we had some baptisms. 
Tovou, Hali and Jonetani. They all have my sense of humor! It's the best! When we visit, they run to us and we are just so happy to see each other. It couldn't have gone any better. The spirit was so strong and it was on the beautiful Cuvu beach.

Health is good.

I received my transfer last night. I am so pumped! It's going to be such an adventure. I'm not even quite sure how im going to get there. The place is called Labasa on Vanua Levu. (the northern island). I heard its like 50 years behind the rest of Fij,  but fiji is so far behind. So like 100 years behind America.  I have no idea what it is like.  All I know is that they don'tt say their K's so that will be interesting. Instead they like grunt or something like they got the wind knoked out of them. I haven't had sugar cane yet.  I heard it really good but will murder your teeth.
God bless you all,
John stockton   aka (Elder Moulton)

Labasa, Fiji

Experienced voyagerExperienced voyagerExperienced voyagerExperienced voyager Aaron Moss 
Rating 3/5Rating: 3.17 out of 5.00. 6 members have rated this tip 
 Displayed: 2901  times.
Labasa (pronounced Lam-bah-sah) is a hot, dusty sugar mill town entirely dependent upon cane which is grown in great quantities in the area. With a population of about 25,000, it's much larger than Savusavu and entirely different in nature. The population is primarilly Indian in origin and consists of Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs, with their distinctive turbins. The surrounding countryside, covered with cane and golden sunburnt hills also has volcanically sculpted black lava outcroppings in nearby Vunika. During cane crushing season (between June and January) keep an eye out for trucks overloaded with cane heading for the mill. Source:

Monday, April 29, 2013

Praying for patience and loving the Indian food.

Dear Mom and Dad,                                                                 April 27,2013

I had a pretty dang good week.  
I love being here.  It  is so stressful that I'm dying  but I'm going to survive. I pray multiple times a day just asking for patience with my companion. with the corrupt branch and all of the other problems here and for help to dwell on the good things.

 I walked up to this lady in this little restaurant and she smiled so big at me.  Her name is Lena. She was so nice.  I asked if we could come teach her and she said yes .   We walked by the store the next day and she came out and talked for a second and I just said "hey church is tomorrow..   you are welcome to come".  She said she would love to come and she did. It was easy. I love it when things are easy like that. 

Our branch doesn't really know how to feel the spirit and that needs to change.

There are close to the same amount of Hindis as Fijians here. I can't really find an English to Hindi dictionary. Could you send me a little one of those some time? no rush.

I have fallen in love with Indian food. The stuff that melts your face because its so spicy.  What a new world!  I never thought I would get used to it.
We have some baptisms this week and that is super exciting. 

I am way pumped to talk to you on skype on mothers day. Please send me your skype info and get me on your account so I can talk to you.  That would be very nice.

I am so happy for dad.  Everytime I think about him I want to cry.

Im proud of your to my beautiful mother and I can't wait to see you again. As for now I've found a few new moms that are keeping me alive and it will be very sad to goodbye to them.

Gosh, I love you guys so much.

Elder Mountain

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Blackest of Magic and a new companion

Dear Family and Friends,   April 21, 2013
I never thought that it was real, but satan can do some freaky stuff. How weird is this world? I've been hearing a lot of stuff and Fijians do alot of stuff that scares me, I feel like I am in a scary movie sometimes when I hear this stuff. Even members do wierd stuff. I was reading about the seven plagues in the bible and how the first five plagues were also replicated by sorcerers that the pharoah of Egypt hired, and did some of those things  through the power of the devil.  Sometimes the devil performs miracles to persuade. I've heard some weird stuff going on. People get boils all over their back and they are told by their sorcerer to go get a bundle of sticks and throw them on their mother's grave and ask for the mother to take away the boils. And it works! Its scary.. This one that I heard yesterday, from a member, that someone is his family got burnt severly and  went to the sorcerer/wizard and ask him to heal him.  The socerer covered it and healed it completely with no scars or anything.. weird stuff.

I have a new companion and I am so happy about it. He actually wants to help me learn the gospel and language. His name is Elder Jack and he is from Blanding, Utah.  He is so funny, straight cowboy, but he genuinely cares about me. When we teach, he tries to get me to teach close to the whole lesson. It will be a good few weeks.  I think I will be transferred in a couple weeks but we will see.

 I'd send pictures but I don't trust computers in fiji any more.  I'm the only one that hasn't oall of their pictures in a internet cafe.

We have a couple baptisms in a week and a half that will be sweet. Super pumped!
Sorry for the Spooks.  God has kept me alive, from getting gengi fever and all of the other stupid things I do.

I love the work and I love the people and the place is okay!!!


Ron Burgundy

Sunday, April 7, 2013

5 months out and sick! April 7, 2013

My Beautiful friends and Family and especially Mom (Joann Moulton)

It sounds like General Conference was great. Hopefully someday i will be able to watch it.
 I heard we get to see it next week in church but we'll see.

 Is there a war going on back in the states? (good job obama.) I actually heard the he was Fijian. I think i met his Grandma this week.

The past couple of weeks have been a little rough for me.  I've been pretty sick and I didnt eat for about three days. The hospitals are full of illness here, everyone is very sick, I'm pretty unhealthy still and I am getting migraines up the yin yang. 
Yesterday and Church I thought I was going to pass out. We gave about six blessing after church in a row, and my head was pounding but I am just trying to be as selfless as possible. The spirit was so strong and I knew I was doing the Lords business and taking care of his children. 
 We were at a lesson the other night and these people don't have any electricity. They had this little camping light and it was the brightest light I've ever seen. It hurt so bad that I had to turn away and lay down. My head hurt so bad. The Lord is Really testing my right now. I hope I am doing alright and passing the test.
Well, on the bright side, we have 4 or 5 people with baptismal dates at the end of the month. That will be way nice.  I have finished all of my 12 week training.  I am thinking that I will be getting a new companion pretty soon. I'm a little nervous especially since I don't think I am ever going to get better. 

I love being on a mission so much! I hit five month on Sunday. Time is flying by!
 I do'nt have any time to waste. 

Sota Tale na noqu matavuvale kei noqu itokani
kalougata tiko
Elda Molitoni

Thursday, March 28, 2013

March 24, 2013

Dear Family,

I'm not going to do a group email this week.  This week we have just been doing a ton of studying and alot  of member rescues.  Almost every lesson this week was with a member.  We had 12 lessons and they were all to bring back inactives. There are over 400 members in sigatoka and only about 85 are active members.  We have meetins in Nadi every tuesday. 

Some weeks go by so fast ans some feel like a year.  This week was good.  I am trying to straighten my back out by sleeping on a little pad on the ground.    I am tired of having bad ankles but I can make it through my mission unless something unexpected happens.  I am being very careful  We have been very cautious about healthy bodies and being physically fit.  The ankles will be the last thing holding me back. 

Do I have permission to buy a pillow here?  I only have one little one.    Treats from America... I miss sweets.
I have not received your package that you sent in Jan.  I am pretty sure I get it tomorrow.  There have been a lot of changes lately and not many people are coming to this side of the island.  (The mission brings the packages to their side of the island). 

Living... We have a microwave and a little propane stove...and we have a fridge. Will you please email me some easy mexican food ideas

Elder Moulton

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Stake conference and picture of a Fijian CJ Jensen


Dear Everyone,                                                                                march 17, 2013

This week might have been one of the longest weeks of my life. Me and elder heath decided that we don't have anytime to waste,   We only have so much time left in Sigatoka.

 So we went exploring up this road looking for the lady that called us begging us to come find her and give here the Book of Mormon. Such a sketchy drive!  We were on the very top of a mountain on a cliffs ledge going like forty because we had to hurry. We went up this road in pitch black for about an hour. I don't think Fijians have ever heard of street lights...  So we almost died like five times... and I don't know how Elder Heath has a drivers license!   He is a book smart guy not a "anything else" kind of guy...aahah! But it was so fun, I love adrenaline rushes more that anything!!! ahah!!!. Anyway, Elder heath is king at getting stuck in holes. After he does that he gets out and makes me drive and I get us out. 

Crazy story that I almost had to go home.. Wowzers! We were doing service this week and we were plowing behind bulls... so that means that we stand on the metal crate things and it has giant spikes under it.   I was plowing and I  was going way fast and I hit this really big bump. I hit my leg into the hole and I fell.  My leg was stuck under the crate and I almost shattered my ankle and/or lost my foot. My ankle still hurts so bad! It's good thing the owner saw and ran as fast as he could or I could be home right now in the hospital. It's a good thing I bought these rubber boots because I was just gonna go barefoot that day.  That's Fiji for you. 

We had stake conference. We have been working on reactivating members like crazy and so we had more members go to stake conference  than ever.  It was great!  We got a big old bus and  it was over an hour and a half bus ride to Lautoka where the stake center is. There were about 500 people there. It is a tiny chapel so everyone was standing outside in the poring rain, That takes a lot of faith! I'm so thankful to be here!  

 Me and Heath are trying to start another little unit close by that lady up that road.  There was one at one time but the guy who was holding it at his house was unfaithful to his wife or something and it had to close it because there wasn't any priesthood up there.

I don't really think that i have met a Fijian that has been on a plane besides the ones that work for the airline and that is like three of them.  They take the bus to the other side of the island sometimes but that is it. They don't have a reason to leave. Their whole family is in the same little Koro as them so they don't really think about it.

P.S.  But I bought these big rubber boots for service so half of my legs don't go through mud. There is this culture here and it is the same with everyone. If you asked someone they would give you their house. So, we can't compliment people on those kind of things. We were doing service today and the guy that we were helping is so awesome but he is so poor and he works so hard. I let him use my work gloves and he loved them, they don't have nice gloves in Fiji. I asked if he liked them and he said yes so i gave them to him.
 I'm sorry  I am turning into a Fijian.. but after I gave those to him they said they wanted to feed us once a week. We will see. They are the people that gave me eggplant on rice.. the worst!!!!!


Elder Moulton 
Full Blood Prince

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Beautiful Fiji and Horse opportunities

The Book of Mormon is true and I didn't ride the horse.

My Dear Everyone,

Hello again... Elder Moulton here giving a quick update of the week.

 I've been completely losing track of the time.
I cannot believe that it has been four months already. This week I've been changing my strategy a little bit when it came to reading the Book of Mormon. Instead of thinking about it as just a boring old book, I started  thinking of it as a interesting "way old" book.  I've realized that history is my favorite subject. I am starting to realize that the Book of Mormon is full of history. That's what it is and it goes hand and hand with the Bible.   I finished it last night and I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I cannot believe that it has just hit me now how to read the Book of Mormon effectively.

 I'm so thankful for these people here and the little branch that I am in in Sigatoka... Such a wild ride! 
I am good.  The contacts are great.   I am loving the people!   I think things might change a lot due to the meeting.   We have over 400 members but only about 60 are active. We are working a lot on that.
We are really trying to get the members involved.   Without fellowshipping no one can stay active. People come up to us and invite us over all the time but I think it is just to get blessings from God..  and we try and use that to our advantage.  They are pretty stubborn here. It's definitely not a baptizing mission.

The people are great though and they have just recently had their first branch council and it was fun to be a part of it. They talked about the missionaries the whole time during the meeting and what they could do better.  Right now, I am  in a bit of a pickle trying to figure out how to get through to the people while  I am speaking Fijian.   I am just talking too slow still for them to stay focused.

No, I didn't ride the horse.  I just sat on it. We were on the beach and  I asked this guy as he was walking by if I could take a picture on it..  He said yes... very, very happily.  We actually talked to him and gave him a pamphlet all because of that stupid question.   The funny stuff is the key to getting personal quick.  I am sorry that I didn't write much. This week was rough. It rained a lot of the week and I only had a little spiritual letter.

Till next week,

Elder Dallin Steven Moulton 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

"Open Your Mouth".. and spread the gospel but don't put in the "Grog"

Feb 24, 2013

Hola Mi Amigos, Bula Vinaka Kedatou Noqu Itokani kei Matavuvale, Hello my family and Friends.

I am in love with my mission.. I almost feel like everyday is P Day because I'm having so much fun.. 
'Im preaching my heart out to random people and they are so receptive. I love it. I love my comp. I love to learn the gospel and learning how to teach the people.

I'm seriously living the life.. I think about being a missionary sometimes and its super weird... What kind of
teenager goes to a foreign country to talk to people about the gospel?  It's almost awkward thinking about,
but I'm growing up so fast. Everything is happening so fast.. I love being in Fiji and serving the Lord...

Exept for yesterday...

My Companion and I went to our branch presidents house and what do you know? Our whole branch presidency and a returned missionary were breaking the word of wisdom and drinking Grog. I want to kick their faces in when I saw that.. I was so mad.. and they all know that they were doing it too. We called the A.P's and they said that they will worry about it and for us not too..

Next, I'm trying to "OYM" everyone that I see... "Open Your Mouth".. and spread the gospel.

 I've realized that I am completely horrible  at the language but at least they can understand what im trying to say now. I just barely talked to someone here in the Internet cafe. I'ts starting to be so fun to do.. I know that the spirit is constantly with me. I'm so blessed with descent communication skills. (except with girls).. I was never good at that..

I'm a FREaking uncle again and I missed it.. 
Baby Eleanore is so beautiful.. 
I love you all.. 
3lder Molitoni.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

10 minute prayer and lemon tea

Dear Family,

Last night was the coolest experience ever.. We went up to this house in a brand new (koro), village. 
The man wasn't home but his father was. He is a big man in the koro and he was very respected.

We talked and we asked if he could start off the lesson with a prayer and so he did... and it was ten minutes long. I was dying.  At the end of the prayer I opened my eyes and there were about 25 people in the room waiting to here what the  "white boys" had to say.. haha.

 They sang a Fijian song to us.  It was so beautiful and just for us!  I was floating in the clouds that all of them would sing for us.Then, at the end, they fed us this tea that is so good and is completely good for you. It is called "draunimoli".  It is just leaves off of a tree. Lemon flavored leaves. It's amazing!  And scones!!!.. ahah the best.

We did teach but only for a short time because there were so many people and it was pretty late.

Elder Moulton

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Dog fights and Bug bites! Converted at last!

Dear family,    Feb.10,2013

I'm finally convinced that I am being converted to the gospel.  I have been taught the teachings me whole life but I have never really paid attention to the spirit.  I have never really lived the gospel until now. I cannot believe how much of a difference your/our lives are when we are obedient. I am positive that God is real and that he really blesses our lives according to our works. I’m so thankful for the chance I have to be serving all of these BROWN people.

 The language sucks. I’m in an area where there is a different dialect so instead of using the letter “s” they use “h”. It’ so confusing.  I’m pretty much back to square one with learning the language.

 I am needing to take a nap almost every day because I can’t sleep at night.  All of the wild dogs gather together outside of our flat and fight at night.  It’s ridiculous;   I almost went and slept in the bathroom just for some peace and quiet.
Teaching is so great!  It is my favorite part of being on a mission. I’m falling in love with the people just because they are so nice. This week we had seven new investigators.  I don’t know if that is a lot in other missions but it’s a ton here. We have to walk around and talk to people… but it’s nothing like in America. We don’t have to sell the gospel here. We say that are missionaries of God and they invite us into their house.

We made a baptismal date for one of the investigators. His name is Alipate ( Aly Pot Ay). He is the Ratu of the village.  That means” the chief” and he is so receptive. We just have to get him to quit drinking Grog.  Everyone drinks here. They sell it in the grocery stores.

I can’t really say much about the other investigators. They are in between progressing and not. The three Mary’s are so great and they love hearing from the missionaries. We are getting them to come to church.
Fiji is the best place on earth except for the one hundred bug bites on my ankles.

Now, I’m going learn how to play rugby. Go P day.

You Stay Classy America,

I’m Elda Moulton

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Pictures from Fiji... week 2

Letter #2 from Fiji Don't eat the tuna!

So Hello My name is Dallin Steven Moulton The ELDER

I'm currently situated in an Internet cafe and i'ts super Ghetto, but i love it.. The music is blarring ahaha. I'm surrounded by Indians(not the Feather Indians) the 7-11 gas station type of Indian. I a third of Fiji Is indians..

 I'm pretty burnt out right now. I caught this sickness that has been going around and I've been down for three days. It's still so weird being here. I look outside and gasp.. I found a great view at our flat and since our house is on a cliff I found a window that opens all of the way. I like to go sit on the roof... such a cool view.. you would be in awe! 
I'm so humbled to be here. Life is so different here and so are the people.  The people don't care about worldly junk. They care about work,family and rugby.. ahah. I have honestly fallen in love with the people, I suck so bad at the language. It really hit me when I came here.

We are teaching this family with pretty much women. There are three Marys in the family so I had to specifically ask if I could call them something different. They have taken three lessons from us and they want to keep on listening.. I'm not quite sure if its for the right reason.

 Here in Fiji, everyone will invite you into their home but they don't really care about what your saying. They think if you let a missionary into your home, you will be blessed by God and that is all you have to do. We are trying to change the way people think.

My favorite part of being on a mission is going to peoples houses. That is the easy part. The hard part is finding people that aren't busy.  

The Food..
I think I've lost about eight pounds since I've been here.  We don't have a scale to measure and I can't transfer Kg's, but the food is rough.. The first day we taught the lady. Sister Sara fed us sandwiches. Tuna straight from the sea.. like a week old... no refrigerator and the worst part is I felt like there were little eyeballs in it.  I felt a big pop. At that moment the two years hit me!  Feels like its going to be a long time. All chicken has bones, like little ones, in almost everybite and they are small. They love cornedbeef here and I'm gonna die just talking about it!  They put straight onion in it and I'm trying to get used to that. The one good Fijian thing here is the tea its called drau ni Moli. Moli means citrus and the you can just grab leaves off of this tree and put it in water and boil it and you dip scones in it.. I'ts way good.   My companion is keeping me alive. A small turkey is $140 here so for Thanksgiving we will be having ramen or something else. ahah. 

We have a brand new toyota yaris and its is so fun to drive on the dirt roads in the mountains. There is no suspension and you can hall. My comp is actually turning out to be an alright guy and he is taking care of me. I feel like a child here.. 

Well I've written too much,  If you want to ship a box of nutella, peanut butter and Honey that would be great a big tub of Jif is like 20 bucks. But atleast Fiji water is cheap.

My Fingers Hurt..
Love Elda Molitoni

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Elder Molutoki is in
Sigatoka, Fiji

Yandra Vinaka.. 1st letter from Fiji!!!

Yandra Vinaka

I've been in Fiji for like five days and its blowing my mind still on how beautiful everything is..
I"ve fallen in love with being on a mission.. well less on being on a mission and more on loving the people. They are so amazing.

I currently reside in a place called Siga Toka (sing uh toe Kuh). It is so beautiful. There are so many pretty things here.. I havent seen it yet but if you go to the beach at sunset you will see wild horses running on the beach. I guess it is so amazing.. It seriously is so pretty here.  I'm honestly so happy here. I've seen the wild horses next to the road but not on the beach yet . I'll let you know..

 I thought I was pretty hot and awesome at the Mtc because I was pretty good at the language but when I got here I realized that I barely knew anything.. I am honestly so happy being here..

I went to the temple here. It is way great and  you go barefoot inside. It's awesome.   Ahah! I'm seriously home.. 
My new companion is named Elder Heath. He is a good guy. I like him. He is from centerville. 

Church is so weird here.. It's above a cafe or something and the president of the branch just teaches straight from the ensign. It's hilarious!   At the end of everyhour there is a man that walks around and yells to let you know that class is over.

My favorite part so far is that we were walking and started talking to this lady. She had a daughter with a big bandage on her head.  The difference between me and my comp is that he just talks to the parents and I focus on everyone.. So,  this lady invited us to go to her house and teach her.   The little girl is seriously the cutest girl in the world maybe four or five.. Her name is rapi (Raw pee) and she just smiled at me the whole time. I was trying to talk to her and she would just whisper in my ear the answers everytime. When we were leaving Mary and Rapi walked us half way but to our flat. Rapi gave me a flower. It was so cute! I wanted to start crying right then. I realized Fijians love people so easily and I'm so lucky to be here.

Oh Yeah The Food sucks.. Exept for the fish..

Ill send pictures next week..

Love,   Elda MOLITONI