Sunday, May 19, 2013

Water, bridges, sharks and weird dialect

Dear Everyone,      May 19,2013

 That Dangea fever rumor you heard about... if you get it twice you will die!! Not true.. People get it quite often here. 
So. We were on such a crazy dirt road for four hours just flying. We ended up in this little village and it was great. We were in the river for about four hours. (Walking )  It was so cold but was so great!  We had two baptisms there.
 There is this little bridge that we drove over... super sketchy... The river is the deepest river in Fiji and it is full of sharks! My heart was pumping just looking at it! ahah!!!. I'm never coming home..!!!

My Fijian is actually better than I thought. I kept twenty people entertained the other night during an interview that lasted for about an hour. They were just shooting questions at me in their weird dialect. I cannot believe I survived it.
I'm going to come home completely fluent.. I hope... 

Thanks for stopping by..

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