Sunday, February 10, 2013

Dog fights and Bug bites! Converted at last!

Dear family,    Feb.10,2013

I'm finally convinced that I am being converted to the gospel.  I have been taught the teachings me whole life but I have never really paid attention to the spirit.  I have never really lived the gospel until now. I cannot believe how much of a difference your/our lives are when we are obedient. I am positive that God is real and that he really blesses our lives according to our works. I’m so thankful for the chance I have to be serving all of these BROWN people.

 The language sucks. I’m in an area where there is a different dialect so instead of using the letter “s” they use “h”. It’ so confusing.  I’m pretty much back to square one with learning the language.

 I am needing to take a nap almost every day because I can’t sleep at night.  All of the wild dogs gather together outside of our flat and fight at night.  It’s ridiculous;   I almost went and slept in the bathroom just for some peace and quiet.
Teaching is so great!  It is my favorite part of being on a mission. I’m falling in love with the people just because they are so nice. This week we had seven new investigators.  I don’t know if that is a lot in other missions but it’s a ton here. We have to walk around and talk to people… but it’s nothing like in America. We don’t have to sell the gospel here. We say that are missionaries of God and they invite us into their house.

We made a baptismal date for one of the investigators. His name is Alipate ( Aly Pot Ay). He is the Ratu of the village.  That means” the chief” and he is so receptive. We just have to get him to quit drinking Grog.  Everyone drinks here. They sell it in the grocery stores.

I can’t really say much about the other investigators. They are in between progressing and not. The three Mary’s are so great and they love hearing from the missionaries. We are getting them to come to church.
Fiji is the best place on earth except for the one hundred bug bites on my ankles.

Now, I’m going learn how to play rugby. Go P day.

You Stay Classy America,

I’m Elda Moulton

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