Sunday, February 24, 2013

"Open Your Mouth".. and spread the gospel but don't put in the "Grog"

Feb 24, 2013

Hola Mi Amigos, Bula Vinaka Kedatou Noqu Itokani kei Matavuvale, Hello my family and Friends.

I am in love with my mission.. I almost feel like everyday is P Day because I'm having so much fun.. 
'Im preaching my heart out to random people and they are so receptive. I love it. I love my comp. I love to learn the gospel and learning how to teach the people.

I'm seriously living the life.. I think about being a missionary sometimes and its super weird... What kind of
teenager goes to a foreign country to talk to people about the gospel?  It's almost awkward thinking about,
but I'm growing up so fast. Everything is happening so fast.. I love being in Fiji and serving the Lord...

Exept for yesterday...

My Companion and I went to our branch presidents house and what do you know? Our whole branch presidency and a returned missionary were breaking the word of wisdom and drinking Grog. I want to kick their faces in when I saw that.. I was so mad.. and they all know that they were doing it too. We called the A.P's and they said that they will worry about it and for us not too..

Next, I'm trying to "OYM" everyone that I see... "Open Your Mouth".. and spread the gospel.

 I've realized that I am completely horrible  at the language but at least they can understand what im trying to say now. I just barely talked to someone here in the Internet cafe. I'ts starting to be so fun to do.. I know that the spirit is constantly with me. I'm so blessed with descent communication skills. (except with girls).. I was never good at that..

I'm a FREaking uncle again and I missed it.. 
Baby Eleanore is so beautiful.. 
I love you all.. 
3lder Molitoni.

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