Sunday, February 3, 2013

Letter #2 from Fiji Don't eat the tuna!

So Hello My name is Dallin Steven Moulton The ELDER

I'm currently situated in an Internet cafe and i'ts super Ghetto, but i love it.. The music is blarring ahaha. I'm surrounded by Indians(not the Feather Indians) the 7-11 gas station type of Indian. I a third of Fiji Is indians..

 I'm pretty burnt out right now. I caught this sickness that has been going around and I've been down for three days. It's still so weird being here. I look outside and gasp.. I found a great view at our flat and since our house is on a cliff I found a window that opens all of the way. I like to go sit on the roof... such a cool view.. you would be in awe! 
I'm so humbled to be here. Life is so different here and so are the people.  The people don't care about worldly junk. They care about work,family and rugby.. ahah. I have honestly fallen in love with the people, I suck so bad at the language. It really hit me when I came here.

We are teaching this family with pretty much women. There are three Marys in the family so I had to specifically ask if I could call them something different. They have taken three lessons from us and they want to keep on listening.. I'm not quite sure if its for the right reason.

 Here in Fiji, everyone will invite you into their home but they don't really care about what your saying. They think if you let a missionary into your home, you will be blessed by God and that is all you have to do. We are trying to change the way people think.

My favorite part of being on a mission is going to peoples houses. That is the easy part. The hard part is finding people that aren't busy.  

The Food..
I think I've lost about eight pounds since I've been here.  We don't have a scale to measure and I can't transfer Kg's, but the food is rough.. The first day we taught the lady. Sister Sara fed us sandwiches. Tuna straight from the sea.. like a week old... no refrigerator and the worst part is I felt like there were little eyeballs in it.  I felt a big pop. At that moment the two years hit me!  Feels like its going to be a long time. All chicken has bones, like little ones, in almost everybite and they are small. They love cornedbeef here and I'm gonna die just talking about it!  They put straight onion in it and I'm trying to get used to that. The one good Fijian thing here is the tea its called drau ni Moli. Moli means citrus and the you can just grab leaves off of this tree and put it in water and boil it and you dip scones in it.. I'ts way good.   My companion is keeping me alive. A small turkey is $140 here so for Thanksgiving we will be having ramen or something else. ahah. 

We have a brand new toyota yaris and its is so fun to drive on the dirt roads in the mountains. There is no suspension and you can hall. My comp is actually turning out to be an alright guy and he is taking care of me. I feel like a child here.. 

Well I've written too much,  If you want to ship a box of nutella, peanut butter and Honey that would be great a big tub of Jif is like 20 bucks. But atleast Fiji water is cheap.

My Fingers Hurt..
Love Elda Molitoni

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