Sunday, June 2, 2013

I have a name sake

Dear Family and Friends,

I found out last night that I have a name sake and I started crying.. Their are the greatest people back in Sigatoka and the wife is Vanessa and the husband is Amritt.
Amritt is a recent convert to the church and I would go visit about 3 times a week and they would feed us.  When I left Vanessa told me that I'm the only missionary that Amrit has ever wanted to be friends with and they just had a baby and his middle name is Dallin.. They told the elders there they named him after me..!

This has been such an amazing week. Me and elder Rokodakunivosa went to Lakeba. That doesn't mean anything to you guys but we are the first two elders to ever have gone to Lakeba. It was such an awesome experience. I almost died like ten times... its the best ha ha.. 

I get a new companion.  His name is Elder Hancock, and he is a way cool guy I already know him. It should be fun..

I feel so much love here.. 
this place is wild..
Love your ever adoring..

Elder Ronald Reagan 

I can't tell you how stoked I'm am about missionary work.. sometimes it's so slow and you have to do some stuff you just never want to do but you must be willing to do it and just go the extra little mile.

A typical day.

 woken up by the sun
 cup of cocoa
 make a lesson, i started a lesson book of sunday 
district and zone meeting lessons,
12:00 go into town for lunch, there is a way good chinese place,
after that lessons scattered all over the rest of the day
sometimes eat dinner at the Terry's and/or go back to that chinese place or be fed after a lesson with an investigator..
9;30 usually go to bed..

The elders from Seaqaqa are sometimes up in Labasa an they are really good company,
almost all Fijian lessons. 

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