Monday, July 15, 2013

July 14,2013

Hello my Beautiful.
It has been another week gone by.
I hit a year in like 100 days.
Time is flying,
I'm in my new area right by Suva. I'ts the outskirts like the Herriman of Suva,
It's pretty dang ghetto. Its good because there are like eight people in the ward with cars, so that is nice.

I've realized how important a healthy strong ward is. I've been working really hard here.  I have done lots of walking and I haven't really had any problems with my feet. So thats good! Lots of Fijian here. I am the senior companion so that is pretty cool as well and I love it.

 My companion thinks he knows as much Fijian as me but he is constantly asking me meanings of words and how to say stuff. but he is a good guy we get along really well. He is funny too. You would like him. My new area is smothered in mud and it literally rains here everyday. 

I have never really cared about a ward before, but I have noticed how important the relief society is now. They are the key to conversion. Someone said that missionaries are the most important but I know the women in the wards are.

My companion's name Elder Grotepas. He is from Syracuse Utah. He is 19 and a good guy..

Here is a picture of us.

That's me on the right in case you forgot what i look like..

We have a way sweet flat..
We live in the sister's old flat.. They moved out because there were some problems and they got sent home.
 It's a way nice place and I am happy to be here.  There are tons of members and I am in a fijian ward.. WARD,WARD,, its so nice!!

I haven't met too many people yet.  I threw out the baptism question to a young man and he excepted before we even taught the first lesson, I didn't know where he was at but we clicked way fast, and he said yes.. so there will be a baptism on the 27th of this month.  He he is from a member family,, he is so strong fifth time going to church,, its great, he wants to serve a mission

 I spent 20 bucks today on mexican food, I just had to because it was incredible.. I miss good food so much..
There apparently is a lot of delicious food here, but it is definately not as good as yours, or the Terrys..

Elder Moulton

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