Monday, April 29, 2013

Praying for patience and loving the Indian food.

Dear Mom and Dad,                                                                 April 27,2013

I had a pretty dang good week.  
I love being here.  It  is so stressful that I'm dying  but I'm going to survive. I pray multiple times a day just asking for patience with my companion. with the corrupt branch and all of the other problems here and for help to dwell on the good things.

 I walked up to this lady in this little restaurant and she smiled so big at me.  Her name is Lena. She was so nice.  I asked if we could come teach her and she said yes .   We walked by the store the next day and she came out and talked for a second and I just said "hey church is tomorrow..   you are welcome to come".  She said she would love to come and she did. It was easy. I love it when things are easy like that. 

Our branch doesn't really know how to feel the spirit and that needs to change.

There are close to the same amount of Hindis as Fijians here. I can't really find an English to Hindi dictionary. Could you send me a little one of those some time? no rush.

I have fallen in love with Indian food. The stuff that melts your face because its so spicy.  What a new world!  I never thought I would get used to it.
We have some baptisms this week and that is super exciting. 

I am way pumped to talk to you on skype on mothers day. Please send me your skype info and get me on your account so I can talk to you.  That would be very nice.

I am so happy for dad.  Everytime I think about him I want to cry.

Im proud of your to my beautiful mother and I can't wait to see you again. As for now I've found a few new moms that are keeping me alive and it will be very sad to goodbye to them.

Gosh, I love you guys so much.

Elder Mountain

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