Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Blackest of Magic and a new companion

Dear Family and Friends,   April 21, 2013
I never thought that it was real, but satan can do some freaky stuff. How weird is this world? I've been hearing a lot of stuff and Fijians do alot of stuff that scares me, I feel like I am in a scary movie sometimes when I hear this stuff. Even members do wierd stuff. I was reading about the seven plagues in the bible and how the first five plagues were also replicated by sorcerers that the pharoah of Egypt hired, and did some of those things  through the power of the devil.  Sometimes the devil performs miracles to persuade. I've heard some weird stuff going on. People get boils all over their back and they are told by their sorcerer to go get a bundle of sticks and throw them on their mother's grave and ask for the mother to take away the boils. And it works! Its scary.. This one that I heard yesterday, from a member, that someone is his family got burnt severly and  went to the sorcerer/wizard and ask him to heal him.  The socerer covered it and healed it completely with no scars or anything.. weird stuff.

I have a new companion and I am so happy about it. He actually wants to help me learn the gospel and language. His name is Elder Jack and he is from Blanding, Utah.  He is so funny, straight cowboy, but he genuinely cares about me. When we teach, he tries to get me to teach close to the whole lesson. It will be a good few weeks.  I think I will be transferred in a couple weeks but we will see.

 I'd send pictures but I don't trust computers in fiji any more.  I'm the only one that hasn't oall of their pictures in a internet cafe.

We have a couple baptisms in a week and a half that will be sweet. Super pumped!
Sorry for the Spooks.  God has kept me alive, from getting gengi fever and all of the other stupid things I do.

I love the work and I love the people and the place is okay!!!


Ron Burgundy

1 comment:

  1. That is scary stuff! We are taught that Satan can appear as an angel and i know this is why so many are deceived. Dallon, I am so proud of you for being so are an amazing missionary!
