Sunday, March 17, 2013


Dear Everyone,                                                                                march 17, 2013

This week might have been one of the longest weeks of my life. Me and elder heath decided that we don't have anytime to waste,   We only have so much time left in Sigatoka.

 So we went exploring up this road looking for the lady that called us begging us to come find her and give here the Book of Mormon. Such a sketchy drive!  We were on the very top of a mountain on a cliffs ledge going like forty because we had to hurry. We went up this road in pitch black for about an hour. I don't think Fijians have ever heard of street lights...  So we almost died like five times... and I don't know how Elder Heath has a drivers license!   He is a book smart guy not a "anything else" kind of guy...aahah! But it was so fun, I love adrenaline rushes more that anything!!! ahah!!!. Anyway, Elder heath is king at getting stuck in holes. After he does that he gets out and makes me drive and I get us out. 

Crazy story that I almost had to go home.. Wowzers! We were doing service this week and we were plowing behind bulls... so that means that we stand on the metal crate things and it has giant spikes under it.   I was plowing and I  was going way fast and I hit this really big bump. I hit my leg into the hole and I fell.  My leg was stuck under the crate and I almost shattered my ankle and/or lost my foot. My ankle still hurts so bad! It's good thing the owner saw and ran as fast as he could or I could be home right now in the hospital. It's a good thing I bought these rubber boots because I was just gonna go barefoot that day.  That's Fiji for you. 

We had stake conference. We have been working on reactivating members like crazy and so we had more members go to stake conference  than ever.  It was great!  We got a big old bus and  it was over an hour and a half bus ride to Lautoka where the stake center is. There were about 500 people there. It is a tiny chapel so everyone was standing outside in the poring rain, That takes a lot of faith! I'm so thankful to be here!  

 Me and Heath are trying to start another little unit close by that lady up that road.  There was one at one time but the guy who was holding it at his house was unfaithful to his wife or something and it had to close it because there wasn't any priesthood up there.

I don't really think that i have met a Fijian that has been on a plane besides the ones that work for the airline and that is like three of them.  They take the bus to the other side of the island sometimes but that is it. They don't have a reason to leave. Their whole family is in the same little Koro as them so they don't really think about it.

P.S.  But I bought these big rubber boots for service so half of my legs don't go through mud. There is this culture here and it is the same with everyone. If you asked someone they would give you their house. So, we can't compliment people on those kind of things. We were doing service today and the guy that we were helping is so awesome but he is so poor and he works so hard. I let him use my work gloves and he loved them, they don't have nice gloves in Fiji. I asked if he liked them and he said yes so i gave them to him.
 I'm sorry  I am turning into a Fijian.. but after I gave those to him they said they wanted to feed us once a week. We will see. They are the people that gave me eggplant on rice.. the worst!!!!!


Elder Moulton 
Full Blood Prince

1 comment:

  1. He is going to grow so much there...I can tell he already has. What a great opportunity our boys have to be able to serve across the world.
