Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Book of Mormon is true and I didn't ride the horse.

My Dear Everyone,

Hello again... Elder Moulton here giving a quick update of the week.

 I've been completely losing track of the time.
I cannot believe that it has been four months already. This week I've been changing my strategy a little bit when it came to reading the Book of Mormon. Instead of thinking about it as just a boring old book, I started  thinking of it as a interesting "way old" book.  I've realized that history is my favorite subject. I am starting to realize that the Book of Mormon is full of history. That's what it is and it goes hand and hand with the Bible.   I finished it last night and I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I cannot believe that it has just hit me now how to read the Book of Mormon effectively.

 I'm so thankful for these people here and the little branch that I am in in Sigatoka... Such a wild ride! 
I am good.  The contacts are great.   I am loving the people!   I think things might change a lot due to the meeting.   We have over 400 members but only about 60 are active. We are working a lot on that.
We are really trying to get the members involved.   Without fellowshipping no one can stay active. People come up to us and invite us over all the time but I think it is just to get blessings from God..  and we try and use that to our advantage.  They are pretty stubborn here. It's definitely not a baptizing mission.

The people are great though and they have just recently had their first branch council and it was fun to be a part of it. They talked about the missionaries the whole time during the meeting and what they could do better.  Right now, I am  in a bit of a pickle trying to figure out how to get through to the people while  I am speaking Fijian.   I am just talking too slow still for them to stay focused.

No, I didn't ride the horse.  I just sat on it. We were on the beach and  I asked this guy as he was walking by if I could take a picture on it..  He said yes... very, very happily.  We actually talked to him and gave him a pamphlet all because of that stupid question.   The funny stuff is the key to getting personal quick.  I am sorry that I didn't write much. This week was rough. It rained a lot of the week and I only had a little spiritual letter.

Till next week,

Elder Dallin Steven Moulton 

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