Sunday, January 27, 2013

Yandra Vinaka.. 1st letter from Fiji!!!

Yandra Vinaka

I've been in Fiji for like five days and its blowing my mind still on how beautiful everything is..
I"ve fallen in love with being on a mission.. well less on being on a mission and more on loving the people. They are so amazing.

I currently reside in a place called Siga Toka (sing uh toe Kuh). It is so beautiful. There are so many pretty things here.. I havent seen it yet but if you go to the beach at sunset you will see wild horses running on the beach. I guess it is so amazing.. It seriously is so pretty here.  I'm honestly so happy here. I've seen the wild horses next to the road but not on the beach yet . I'll let you know..

 I thought I was pretty hot and awesome at the Mtc because I was pretty good at the language but when I got here I realized that I barely knew anything.. I am honestly so happy being here..

I went to the temple here. It is way great and  you go barefoot inside. It's awesome.   Ahah! I'm seriously home.. 
My new companion is named Elder Heath. He is a good guy. I like him. He is from centerville. 

Church is so weird here.. It's above a cafe or something and the president of the branch just teaches straight from the ensign. It's hilarious!   At the end of everyhour there is a man that walks around and yells to let you know that class is over.

My favorite part so far is that we were walking and started talking to this lady. She had a daughter with a big bandage on her head.  The difference between me and my comp is that he just talks to the parents and I focus on everyone.. So,  this lady invited us to go to her house and teach her.   The little girl is seriously the cutest girl in the world maybe four or five.. Her name is rapi (Raw pee) and she just smiled at me the whole time. I was trying to talk to her and she would just whisper in my ear the answers everytime. When we were leaving Mary and Rapi walked us half way but to our flat. Rapi gave me a flower. It was so cute! I wanted to start crying right then. I realized Fijians love people so easily and I'm so lucky to be here.

Oh Yeah The Food sucks.. Exept for the fish..

Ill send pictures next week..

Love,   Elda MOLITONI

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