Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dear Family,
I'm The New District leader as of sunday..

Im loving it here but I cant wait to leave. I have been here for 50 Days now.. I can't remember the world outside of the compound.

I feel bad for the mayans are they okay?
Christmas devotional was okay and new years kind of sucked too, exept I drank a redbull at midnight.. Im so rebellious

Tell Tiny Tim I wont be home for christmas and tell Scott to let the dogs out.

I'm glad you had a good old party at the Moultons new large and spacious home.

Let's see.. most Fijians know english but it is insulting to speak to them in english.

I've never been so excited to go, it will be the best adventure of my life. I found out yesterday that I don't wear those white pants for baptism.. they will give me a white sulu. yeehah

The Swine flu is going aroung the Mtc.. A ton of people are wearing masks around.. it scares the crap out of me.

It looks amazing there (Fiji).. The Cars to get around in are called Toyata Hylux's. They look like tacomas but they do better off-road..

I can teach a bunch of different lessons but I dont think I can do in English.. There is no knocking on doors in Fiji because it is disrespectful or... they just dont have any doors.

There are missions that open and close all the time in Fiji. I could possible go to a place that where no missionary has gone to before.

The language is like a cave man language... "return to him the god"... "Want to hear you the god"..

I'm just starting to figure out the way they say things and it blows my mind how fast they talk. It will be a miracle if I get it down.

Happy the holiday week is over.. It made me way home sick..

But Iwill write more maybe today..

Au lomani Iko (I love you)

thanks for stopping by.. Elder Molitoni

On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Dallin Moulton <> wrote:

I Shaved my Chest Today.. It was Wild

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