Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 8, 2013

So heres the Scoop!!

This week wasnt that bad.. I'm district leader now but I take the strict out of district. We have all been here as long as each other so I'm not bossing anyone around.  They know as much as I do and its not my place to be better than anyone.

 This week I was way sick and was in my room for three days. Last night my companion got sick. One elder in our district blew out his ankle and the other is having surgery today. 

The language is coming but I've been in the bible way more. I've made a goal to finish the book of mormon by the end of next week. I read 65 pages of the book last night in like four hours.. so not fast. I've realized that I almost have to be more familiar with the bible then the B.O.M because everyone believes in the bible in Fiji. It's cool if you baptized the father of the familybecause the rest of the family will be baptised as well.

 I'm so stoked on the whole idea of me living on a small island. They make so much fish but they smother the fish in coconut milk and I guess it tastes so good. They also make way good tea that I can drink. 

They are very respectful. They have grown up on, if someone has something to say then they sit and listen until they are finished and then they will talk after. That might be a bad thing because you want them to participate as much as possible so you can know that they are understanding.

 We have to teach the Fijians like we are teaching in primary so that will be a piece of cake. I can already do that. I'm so pumped.

Elder Moulton

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