Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My Dearest Mother/Family     Nov 27,2012

Oh how I miss you so! haha... The MTC is going well and I"m good at being here. I feel like I'm in highschool!! The people are the exact same. There are alot of immature people here!  Im not saying that I'm not one of them but if you saw me now you would think that I'm a nun or something.( maybe buddha:)
 How is everything back home? Are you happy to be empty nesters finally? How is Caroline doing? Is she changing her socks everyday? She's such a rascal..
The spirit is to strong here.. We got to hear from Elder Holland on Thanksgiving.. I fell asleep. Everyone around me was trying to wake me up but I was pretty much in a coma. Pretty embarrasing! I'm trying to avoid becoming the district leader! I have realized that being on top is so much more work, but it might be inevitable.
So, my departure date Is January 22nd. So I will definately be here on Christmas and I get to see Meg enter the mtc. Will you ask her for her address so I can tell her? Can you get find that paper with the friends email addresses?
 I cannot believe that I am learning a new language.. its so weird especially Fijian. I am so lucky and blessed that I can say im going to Fiji(veti). If possible, would you send some great stories like the halloween devil one? People love those and so do i.
I'm Having trouble trying to think about what I'm saying and I'm writing this at 5 in the morning. But, the church is true.
 Get people to write me on dear elder!!
I love you Mom

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