Tuesday, November 20, 2012

First letter from the MTC


 I love you so much its crazy. I miss you so much. I don't have to much time to write.. 
The Gospel is True, and the gift of tongues is so true.. The language is so hard but I am the best in my class.
 I'm comprehending so well and I can read it so fast. I'm at  a four week level after the first week. God is blessing me.
 I love my companion and the elders in my district. It's crazy what happens here.. I love it.. I'm so happy.
 I made the right decision. When I came here I wasn't even sad.  Well, just for a second when I saw you start balling when I started to leave. I love you so much. I miss you and I miss dad so much too. Its crazy how close we are.
I have language for six hours and gospel for close to the same and  in study time too. The food sucks here but I  eat so much its weird and pretty unhealthy. God has blessed me so much so i'm going to do the best I can for him. 
I went to the temple today and it was great.
There were so many missionaries there it was like I was one of them haha!!

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