Sunday, November 25, 2012

Elder Moulton
MTC Mailbox #341
Fiji-Suva 0122
2005 N. 900E
Provo, Utah 87604-1793


  1. Great truths. He is excited to join you in the Lord's vineyard. I have heard great things from your family and your blogs. We are excited to hear of your love for the Fijian people. There still much work for you to do. We wish continued blessings and direction from The Lord as you conclude your work. Love alan, cami and Trew.

  2. Elder Moulton,
    It appears the first part of my message was deleted. Cami and I are sitting in your home ward listening to Elder McKay Carter. He gave powerful testimony of missionary work and is anxious to join you in the Lord's vineyard. You probably already know he is headed to Honduras. When he was decided to serve a mission a few years back, at the beginning of your mission, we would read excerpts from you blog that inspired him and many of the young men in our quorum. Thank you for your many testimonies and stories of faith.
