Monday, November 24, 2014

Farewell to Fiji. I have become a better person because of these 2 years.

My Friends and Family,

It's been an adventure in the least. My time is winding down as a missionary and it kills me to think about. Over the past two years I have come to know the Beautiful people of Viti, (way to go, i'm crying), There is no way you could find a more loving and giving people, I have loved serving with them, Helping them, Learning from them and growing with them, Because of these People I have become a better person.
Coming out here on a mission was the best decision (so far) of my life. I have seen the blessings that have come from it. I would say that I am currently on my way to true conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to thank you all for your support and strengthening me along the way, I am so grateful that God has placed each and everyone of you into my life,
May God bless you.
Loloma Yani,
               Elder Moulton

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Coming home and it's killing me!

My Friends and Family,

Its been an adventure in the least, my time is winding down as a missionary and it kills me to think about. Over the past two years I have come to know the Beautiful people of Viti, (way to go, I'm crying), There is no way you could find a more loving and giving people, I have loved serving with them, Helping them, learning from them and growing with them, Because of these People I have become a better person.

Coming out here on a mission was the best decision (so far) of my life. I have seen the blessings that have come from it. I would say that I am currently on my way to true conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to thank you all for your support and strengthening me along the way, I am so grateful that God has placed each and everyone of you into my life,
May god bless you.

Loloma Yani,
               Elder Moulton

How weird is this?

Alot of missionaries would be so pumped to finish their missions, but not me. I'm so sad to be leaving this beautiful country, Fiji has done so much for me, I can't really notice how much I have changes but I believe I have and for the better. I have such a desire to do things right, get the job done, Complete the task that is ahead of me, I know that god has really blessed me. I have tried to give as much back as I could to him, no way would it ever be enough. 

I ask a few things from you, Please keep me involved with your spiritual life. Let us have family home evenings and discussions. Help me understand better the B.O.M and the Bible, the Church and its history, the Doctrine and Covenants... that is the only book i did not get through. 

Keep me motivated, Mom, I need your input in my life... corrections, encouragement, love, I never want to be distant from my parents again. I'm sorry mom, your never getting rid of me..

I hope that when I get home we can be best friends like we were before our missions..

I love you,

Elder Moulton 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Elder Moulton and the Ark... The church gives the gift of a boat to the mountain people

Oct.5, 2014 

Hello this is Elder Moulton
Saying, Bula vinaka America

The church paid a lot of money to have this boat built for the village to open up to us..
its a brand new village with so much potential and I am so excited to see what the out come of it will bring.
These people couldn't leave there village if it was raining because the river would be too high and there is not way that the people could buy themselves a boat.
This is not an island. Its up in the mountain, where the church is brand spankin new.
Most of the people are not members here. We presented the boat to about 70 non member and gave them all Book of Mormons(ivola i momani). What an awesome experience it was.
But there was a lot of members that came to the ceremony. They had to take an hour bus ride just to come support us.
This whole ceremony was to hasten the work for us to missionaries in the area.

What a good week
Love Elder Moulton

 A picture of the (bolabola) tent we sat under to do the ceremony, an hour before the ceremony

                 One of the units we cover, they feed us after our little sacrament meeting

 picture of the Aluminium boat that was presented  to the people

Monday, August 18, 2014

Waterfalls and YSA missionaries

 Hello my beautiful mother, 
I miss you so much..
Everyone of my friends that were on missions is off now..
Its a little weird.. It kind of makes it a little hard to be out still but hey whats 3 months..
I cant believe that I come home last..
I want to apologize, I know I said I would write a huge email, but all of the internet shops are closed and there are 6 missionaries waiting to use this one..
But we did have an amazing week.. W

We are bringing the less actives back, it is working..
One of our investigators just yesterday also said yes to baptism.. so we are preparing him for baptism..
I love you very much mom..
We went to the Waterfalls today..
Your son
I had a few more minutes..
Today we brought one of our investigators to the water falls, so he spend the day with missionaries.. it should help solidify his schedule of listening to us..
We also this week had this huge farewell party for four prospective missionaries.. they will all be going around the world within the next two months.
Thats one thing that i have realized about my purpose in being in this area. is to help these YSA go on missions.. so right now in this branch in taveuni, we have 13 missionaries on a mission right now.. its amazing..
Im so happy that lauren is having a baby wow.. i thought i might have been home for it but thats okay..
Things are really going well here, Im super happy..
I love you my beautiful Mother i will talk to you next week..
There is one problem..
Next week we are going to be taking a boat all monday so we might not be able to email.. I might have to be on another day but momma i love you so much..
Bye bye

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Reactivating and Volleyball

Dear Mom,

I cannot believe how wonderful life is.. I am so proud of you guys.. Mom you are officially an RM.. ahaha I cannot believe that wow..
This week we received word that our mission has a different focus, and its not baptisms, its to focus on the Less actives there are alot of members who have received the gospel, but just no longer see the light.. Me and my companion have decided to put most of our focus on the YSA, Last weekend we prepared an activity for them and filled up a whole bucket of water balloons and they brought towels and they launched the water balloons over the volley ball net, (waterballoon volleyball) give it ten years and it will be in the Olympics. After the baptism three of the older men that came talked to eachother and decided to take care of all of the Less actives in the village which is alot so they are really doing quite a huge favor..
I cant believe that Parker is home now.. how wonderful is that.? I go home in 3 transfers from now..
Not to much else happened..
I am completely happy with my now tahitian companion.. He is probably one of the funniest people that I have ever met im my life..
I will definately send pictures..
I love you Elder Moulton
the fat man on the left is the District President(stake president)
My new comp

Hi peeps...
Yup im loving my mission...
This ladies name is Toakasa rabo Bautarua..
She was lost and now she is on the path to eternal life..
It is amazing what simple things to turn into miracles..
She was running from us and she finally let me teach her the first lesson,
her and her husband started crying and felt sick after the lesson, they looked at each other and asked each other for forgiveness. She then picked up the book of mormon and started reading and good took the wheel..
She is a true angel
Peace out A-Town!!
Elder Moulton

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Rats and Mold but all is great!

Dear Family.
Mom I' cant tell you how much I miss you.. you should see my wall in front of my desk.I think I have four pictures of you on my wall! haha... and there are only five total.. I'm such a mommas boy!!
This week was a really good week.  Elder Bennett and I are working hard and getting our task accomplished. At first it was a rough start with him. We butted heads alot but now we are working really well with each other. 
We keep getting blessed with great investigators and I hope that before I get transferred off this island that I can get about three more baptisms.. that would be lovely.

How is landon?
I saw so many pictures.  I loved it so much! It should be so interesting getting home..
But don't you worry about me... I will finish strong and things will be great!
President Klingler leaves this next week which is crazy and President Layton comes in.
I got the g's that you sent me thank you so much... I'm actually afraid to wear them because they are so clean. My old ones have tons of mold on them. It's way gross but it is kind of like battle scars... you don't want to give them up.

Everything else is great, I am happy.

We have a huge rat problem at our flat.. its way funny how scared my comp is. ahah!!!
All my love,

Elder Moulton

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 20,2014

This week was really good.. 
I really love my district. I have to go on splits this week because one of the elders in the other area dislocated his knee cap, and he is in the bushiest area in the mission so we will switch for a few days. Plus I need to meet some of there investigators for me to interview them..
I love this island very much. I am really thinking of buying a little time share down here and living in it. It's so beautiful.. it will blow your mind!! The only thing not so good is that they don't have the sandy sandy beaches like california..  but it's ten times more pretty..
My current companion finishes in four weeks so our goal is to get six people baptized by the 17th of next month.. We will see what happens. Last week we started from scratch, so that awesome ahah..
But all together I am way happy.

I love you,, keep me updated on the wedding..

Love you son,
Elder Moulton

Monday, April 14, 2014

Recent pics

Hindi family

Mission Conference

P Day Travel

Hello My Friends and Family (MOM)
Oh how I miss you all.   It has been such an adventure being in indian territory... but transfers came and I am off to Fijian territory, The Little Island of Taveuni, or the Garden Island. Currently I am in Nadi with two other elders I got here about ten O'clock last night... lots of buses.. I hated it.. but that makes the adventure.
We had worked so hard with our investigators.. They will be getting married this week.. Because we helped them raise the funds to do so.. The family came down to the bus stop to say goodbye to me. The Husband, Meli Vesi, will be getting baptized in a week and a half.  I'm sad I have to miss it but, taveuni Is waiting for me.. 
I have to take an hour flight and a half flight there today.. then from then on I have to ride the boat to the big island which should be interesting haha.. Im so excited..

We have a lovo again..
its an underground oven i ate the the jaw of the pig it was delicious.
The plane was way nice there was only two passengers in the hole thing..
This place is incredible and i love my District...

Arriving in Tavenuvi... 7 months to go!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Nap Time Feb 2014

Displaying SAM_2140.JPG

Sister Waqasokonibogi, walking across the flooded river speaking Hindi.

Dallin Moulton

4:13 PM (6 hours ago)
to me
Hello my dear mother..

This week was a very interesting one.
Sorry, I took money out of the account.    We were warned by our mission president to go stock up our flats with two week supply of food just in case. There was a hurricane that came through Fiji but it didnt really effect us. It messed up the road really bad on the other side of the country though.  But now it is just extra hot and extra humid..
The work..
This week was great when it came to the work. We have really been focusing on the less actives in the area and finding them and bringing them back to church. 
We were walking in the village and it is the biggest village in the country so you can't just ask people where others live.., but we tried. There was this lady who was walking in front of us. and I had the feeling I should ask her where someone lived.. so I did.  She didn't know so we were about to go a different way than she was but I asked her if we could walk her home and she said yes. She said her name was Sister Waqasokonibogi and that she was a member twenty years ago. She was so afraid to talk to us. She told God, as she was walking in front of us, that if we went to talk to her she would invite us into her home and talk to us so we sat with her and she bore her testimony of the church for about 20 minutes,  She has so much faith. Now all we have to do is get her to come to church again.
There is this family that i always talk about, Their name is the Wedlock family and they are Rotuman. They are my pride and joy.  One of the men in the family is 29 and his name is William. He is extremely addicted to cigarettes. We were talking to him about getting the preisthood and as soon as he said he wants the priesthood I told him to turn around and I gave him a blessing. I hope and pray that he will be strong..
This week we had to cross a flooded river. The water was up to my waist and way powerful and about 40 yards wide. We were trying to get up to the mans home and share a message with him to come back to church. We taught him about the temple and eternal marriage. There was this lady there and she looks wealthy and she looked about the same age as you mom..(so way hot).. but at the end of the lesson she complimented me on my Hindi and  asked me about what I said about eternal marriage. We gave her a quick ten minute review on that. Her husband had died and she thought that was it. She is so interested. It was great!
We are going to Nadi today which is pretty much on the other side of the island. I'm excited that I get to celebrate my birthday down there with the zone.

Love Elder Moulton