Monday, August 18, 2014

Waterfalls and YSA missionaries

 Hello my beautiful mother, 
I miss you so much..
Everyone of my friends that were on missions is off now..
Its a little weird.. It kind of makes it a little hard to be out still but hey whats 3 months..
I cant believe that I come home last..
I want to apologize, I know I said I would write a huge email, but all of the internet shops are closed and there are 6 missionaries waiting to use this one..
But we did have an amazing week.. W

We are bringing the less actives back, it is working..
One of our investigators just yesterday also said yes to baptism.. so we are preparing him for baptism..
I love you very much mom..
We went to the Waterfalls today..
Your son
I had a few more minutes..
Today we brought one of our investigators to the water falls, so he spend the day with missionaries.. it should help solidify his schedule of listening to us..
We also this week had this huge farewell party for four prospective missionaries.. they will all be going around the world within the next two months.
Thats one thing that i have realized about my purpose in being in this area. is to help these YSA go on missions.. so right now in this branch in taveuni, we have 13 missionaries on a mission right now.. its amazing..
Im so happy that lauren is having a baby wow.. i thought i might have been home for it but thats okay..
Things are really going well here, Im super happy..
I love you my beautiful Mother i will talk to you next week..
There is one problem..
Next week we are going to be taking a boat all monday so we might not be able to email.. I might have to be on another day but momma i love you so much..
Bye bye

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