Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 20,2014

This week was really good.. 
I really love my district. I have to go on splits this week because one of the elders in the other area dislocated his knee cap, and he is in the bushiest area in the mission so we will switch for a few days. Plus I need to meet some of there investigators for me to interview them..
I love this island very much. I am really thinking of buying a little time share down here and living in it. It's so beautiful.. it will blow your mind!! The only thing not so good is that they don't have the sandy sandy beaches like california..  but it's ten times more pretty..
My current companion finishes in four weeks so our goal is to get six people baptized by the 17th of next month.. We will see what happens. Last week we started from scratch, so that awesome ahah..
But all together I am way happy.

I love you,, keep me updated on the wedding..

Love you son,
Elder Moulton

1 comment:

  1. Elder Moulton,

    A note from the home front, street front, four houses away, actually,'s great to read your posts! You're doing an amazing job as are your folks at home! We are all so proud of you for representing The Lord as well as your home ward. We love you, buddy!
    Bishop Miller (can you believe it?!!!)
