Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Video
Hey Fam. 

 I love you so very much and I am very thankful for all that you do for me.  These past five weeks have gone by so fast and I am hoping the next 22 months fly by fast also.  There isn't my Christmas cheer here right now but I' sure everything will turn around.  Being here on Christmas makes me realize how much I have actually been given. I miss my love...SNOWBOARDING!!!

It has been so cold here and we walk a ton.  So I  imagine that the mountains are a dream right now.
Mom and Dad, I want you to go to Park City and rent an apartment or condo for a few days.. then I want you to move up there.  I would love more than anything for my parents to move up to Park city or Heber.  If you do,  I will buy the boat!

I have never learned so much in my entire life.  The spirit is so strong in this spiritual prison.  There is no way you could leave without becoming a better person. Cousin Jon Goettsche came into the MTC yesterday and I think that he loves it so much already.  He kept saying that he has been so excited to be like his cousin Dallin Moulton, the ELDER!

I'm super jealous that Ashley and Michael came to visit for the holidays.  Tell them I said hello and love them so much and that I want to be there way bad.  Tell them to tell "tiny tim" I won't be home for Chirstmas!  haha!  ...tell Obama Bin Laden... Woops, Osama Bin Laden to eat his cookies. (INSIDE FAMILY JOKE)

I am so very thankful that I was put in the family that I was.I couldn't ask for a better place to have been raised. Thank you Ma and Pa.  I think you are both incredible!

Thank you for all the packages you have sent me.  I love that so very much.   I want to hear how Christmas was and everything else.

Elder Moulton

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week 4 at MTC

Dear family,

 By the time you get this I will not have seen you in a month...haha, weird,  huh?
I will see you in twenty –two months.

I am not exactly sure if it is true but my card says I leave a month earlier then exactly two years. 

I’ve become very close to the missionaries from Fiji, they are all going to the Philippines and they are learning Togalog, their third language.

Everyone is so friendly here at the boot camp of the church.  There are a bunch of cool things that have happened that are very cool. And you can tell that the Lord is working.
There is this sister missionary that is so nice.  Her name is Sister Toga, (Tonga).  That’s how you say it in Fijian. But she is a Samoan sister and she was playing volleyball and fell and broke her arm.  She went to the hospital and the doctor said and showed her that it was broken. She came back and told everyone here that she would be at the MTC for a couple extra months.   She was supposed to leave next week.  Her district gave her a blessing and said that she will be comfortable and understand the Lord’s will. She cried so hard.  So, the next day, she went back to get surgery.  She got ready for the surgery and the doctor was amazed because he took another x-ray and there was nothing wrong with her arm. This sister can leave on time.

This companionship in my district had a crazy thing happen to them.  This Elder was bound by the adversary and couldn’t move his body or eyes or even speak.  He was so scared.  He looked at this companion and asked for a blessing and so he did.  When he was done the Elder giving the blessing didn’t remember one word that he said.  He said that he felt like he was floating and couldn’t feel anything except his hands on this elder’s head.

 I love being here. I don’t ever want to be without the Lord or the Holy Ghost.

I can’t tell you how happy I was when I saw CafĂ© Rio in that box.  I actually screamed like a little girl. It was hilarious!  Thank you  Momma.  It tasted so good. The food here just doesn’t cut it.

We got a new district leader.  I was getting so fed up with the last one. It’s hard to say but my companion and I left church and went to the book store so we could get away from him. It’s getting rough constantly living with all of these guys. There is constantly so much testosterone in the room.  I’m so lucky I have the companion that I do. He is so shy and has never gotten on my nerves. I don’t have to tell him to shut-up because when he says something, it needs to be said.

The language is coming along quite nicely. It’s slowed down because we are teaching lessons more. Everyday in fact.  I would never want to change the place where I am going or the language I am learning.  It is so fun… haha!  We have been trying to use the language everywhere we are. There are still so many words that I don’t know.

On Saturdays they have returned missionaries come in and we teach them a lesson.  We teach two missionaries every Saturday so we are speaking Fijian for about an hour straight. They really do know what they are doing here.

I would love some help for my companion for Christmas.  He is such an awesome person.  He is from Portiere, New Zealand. It’s close to Wellington.  I don’t know if you will think this is cool or not but when I found out I freaked out!  Back home he played rugby for the All Black  team. The All Black were one of the best teams in the world.  I still can’t believe it.

I would love it if you would buy a BYU hoodie for him or like a rugby ball from BYU for him.  I know he wants a souvenir.  Just something thoughtful and probably something from BYU.
I want to know what is going on with my family. Please give me more. I want to know all things that are happening.  

Love , Elder Moulton
Hey Pop,
I'm loving it here. Sometimes it gets really frustrating being up at 6:30 in the morning but when I wake up exactly on time and beat the rush for the showers I'm almost awake for the rest of the day. Thank you for writting me, I really miss seeing and talking to the biggest example in my life.

 I can only imagine what the world will be like in two years. I only have 22 months left of my Mission. I have been blessed with the best companion ever, He doesnt talk much but thats good so I dont get sick of him. The sleep schedule is rough still.
I highly don't believe that everyone asks about me. I feel like I've been gone for a year and only a day..
Dad You are an amazing man.. Thank you for everything. How is your son Bryce doing? I pray for him everyday
Have mom show you how do write on dear
With Love
                Elder Moulton