Monday, November 24, 2014

Farewell to Fiji. I have become a better person because of these 2 years.

My Friends and Family,

It's been an adventure in the least. My time is winding down as a missionary and it kills me to think about. Over the past two years I have come to know the Beautiful people of Viti, (way to go, i'm crying), There is no way you could find a more loving and giving people, I have loved serving with them, Helping them, Learning from them and growing with them, Because of these People I have become a better person.
Coming out here on a mission was the best decision (so far) of my life. I have seen the blessings that have come from it. I would say that I am currently on my way to true conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to thank you all for your support and strengthening me along the way, I am so grateful that God has placed each and everyone of you into my life,
May God bless you.
Loloma Yani,
               Elder Moulton

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Coming home and it's killing me!

My Friends and Family,

Its been an adventure in the least, my time is winding down as a missionary and it kills me to think about. Over the past two years I have come to know the Beautiful people of Viti, (way to go, I'm crying), There is no way you could find a more loving and giving people, I have loved serving with them, Helping them, learning from them and growing with them, Because of these People I have become a better person.

Coming out here on a mission was the best decision (so far) of my life. I have seen the blessings that have come from it. I would say that I am currently on my way to true conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ. I want to thank you all for your support and strengthening me along the way, I am so grateful that God has placed each and everyone of you into my life,
May god bless you.

Loloma Yani,
               Elder Moulton

How weird is this?

Alot of missionaries would be so pumped to finish their missions, but not me. I'm so sad to be leaving this beautiful country, Fiji has done so much for me, I can't really notice how much I have changes but I believe I have and for the better. I have such a desire to do things right, get the job done, Complete the task that is ahead of me, I know that god has really blessed me. I have tried to give as much back as I could to him, no way would it ever be enough. 

I ask a few things from you, Please keep me involved with your spiritual life. Let us have family home evenings and discussions. Help me understand better the B.O.M and the Bible, the Church and its history, the Doctrine and Covenants... that is the only book i did not get through. 

Keep me motivated, Mom, I need your input in my life... corrections, encouragement, love, I never want to be distant from my parents again. I'm sorry mom, your never getting rid of me..

I hope that when I get home we can be best friends like we were before our missions..

I love you,

Elder Moulton