Sunday, October 5, 2014

Elder Moulton and the Ark... The church gives the gift of a boat to the mountain people

Oct.5, 2014 

Hello this is Elder Moulton
Saying, Bula vinaka America

The church paid a lot of money to have this boat built for the village to open up to us..
its a brand new village with so much potential and I am so excited to see what the out come of it will bring.
These people couldn't leave there village if it was raining because the river would be too high and there is not way that the people could buy themselves a boat.
This is not an island. Its up in the mountain, where the church is brand spankin new.
Most of the people are not members here. We presented the boat to about 70 non member and gave them all Book of Mormons(ivola i momani). What an awesome experience it was.
But there was a lot of members that came to the ceremony. They had to take an hour bus ride just to come support us.
This whole ceremony was to hasten the work for us to missionaries in the area.

What a good week
Love Elder Moulton

 A picture of the (bolabola) tent we sat under to do the ceremony, an hour before the ceremony

                 One of the units we cover, they feed us after our little sacrament meeting

 picture of the Aluminium boat that was presented  to the people