Sunday, March 2, 2014

Nap Time Feb 2014

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Sister Waqasokonibogi, walking across the flooded river speaking Hindi.

Dallin Moulton

4:13 PM (6 hours ago)
to me
Hello my dear mother..

This week was a very interesting one.
Sorry, I took money out of the account.    We were warned by our mission president to go stock up our flats with two week supply of food just in case. There was a hurricane that came through Fiji but it didnt really effect us. It messed up the road really bad on the other side of the country though.  But now it is just extra hot and extra humid..
The work..
This week was great when it came to the work. We have really been focusing on the less actives in the area and finding them and bringing them back to church. 
We were walking in the village and it is the biggest village in the country so you can't just ask people where others live.., but we tried. There was this lady who was walking in front of us. and I had the feeling I should ask her where someone lived.. so I did.  She didn't know so we were about to go a different way than she was but I asked her if we could walk her home and she said yes. She said her name was Sister Waqasokonibogi and that she was a member twenty years ago. She was so afraid to talk to us. She told God, as she was walking in front of us, that if we went to talk to her she would invite us into her home and talk to us so we sat with her and she bore her testimony of the church for about 20 minutes,  She has so much faith. Now all we have to do is get her to come to church again.
There is this family that i always talk about, Their name is the Wedlock family and they are Rotuman. They are my pride and joy.  One of the men in the family is 29 and his name is William. He is extremely addicted to cigarettes. We were talking to him about getting the preisthood and as soon as he said he wants the priesthood I told him to turn around and I gave him a blessing. I hope and pray that he will be strong..
This week we had to cross a flooded river. The water was up to my waist and way powerful and about 40 yards wide. We were trying to get up to the mans home and share a message with him to come back to church. We taught him about the temple and eternal marriage. There was this lady there and she looks wealthy and she looked about the same age as you mom..(so way hot).. but at the end of the lesson she complimented me on my Hindi and  asked me about what I said about eternal marriage. We gave her a quick ten minute review on that. Her husband had died and she thought that was it. She is so interested. It was great!
We are going to Nadi today which is pretty much on the other side of the island. I'm excited that I get to celebrate my birthday down there with the zone.

Love Elder Moulton