Sunday, October 27, 2013

Rev Run and the Hindi language Oct 27, 2013

Her name Is Frances and she is brilliant,
and she is the newest member of the church in Tavua, Fiji

This week was great! We set a new record in our area for the most people
OYMed,..or most people contacted, because people only speak hindi here, and no one
wants to talk with the Elders..

 The number was 28. I'ts not that much but its the most in a
long long time.
I was way happy and the district leader was freaking out..
We are going to beat that this week as well.

Time is flying by so fast.. I've realized the harder you work the faster
time I think I'm gonna slack off a little bit, so it can slow down. Ahah just

I've realized my Hindi sucks, because I can barely understand these people,
Thats okay because i've only been studying it for about two or three
months on and off..

Since I have been in Tavua my Hindi vocabulary has more than doubled..

Welp, life is good. God really does bless us when we do his will and we are all
in his good graces..

There is  no Halloween or thanksgiving here.
The biggest holiday of the year is next week. Nov 1,
It is in remembrance of when there god Ram was being guided back to India after being imprisoned in Siberia. He was led home by some power or something..
So people just make a ton of Indian sweets and get wasted..  I'm looking forward to it.. a member invited us over to her house..

God is love...
 Rev Run..
& Elder Moulton

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Teaching in Hindi

Hello my mother..      October, 20.2013
This week was amazing..
I got called last sunday at midnight saying that im going to the other side of the island to the indian side..
and to pack my bags because I would be leaving at 6 a.m the next day so I only slept about 3 hours that night..
not because I was packing but because I was so pumped..
I get on a bus and it was an eight hour bus ride.. it was the worst..
At least there was A.C.
My companion is a stud his name is elder Motuliki,
He is from New Zealand but he is a bug soft Tongan..
and i am his mother..
He didn't say it, but president sent me over here so I can get fluent in Hindi..
Just in this past weed my hindi vocabulary has more than doubled, its crazy...
and  I am contacting everyone in hindi,,
I'm going to change this area.. Its a ward but there are only about fifty active..
There are not many Indian people that are active  because elders haven't been giving them much love..
Not many elders actually try to learn hindi..
My companion is great, he is so opened to learning from me and he talks so much..
He doesn't have an off switch..but he is awesome..

We had a baptism last weekend and it went so well,
The ladies name is Mele and she is 28 and she was so happy when I came because she
could finally understand what the elders are saying::: ahah.. Fijian is a hard language..
I started talking and after like ten seconds she complemented me on my Fijian..
I was way happy because most missionaries here don't end up getting the language fluently and I;m gonna be the one to do that.

I love you, God Bless
Elder Moulton