Sunday, August 4, 2013

Welcome home dinner in Fiji

August 4, 2013 Splitting the mission and Samu

Hey Beautiful,

This week was great.

We have another baptism, his name is Samu. He is my favorite investigator on the mission. He studies the lesson before we teach them. Ahah!  We ended the lesson the other day, and before we bore testimony of it he said "wait.. I would like to bear my testimony.. Pause.. is that  alright?... He  then bore his testimony.  It was such a wonderful experience! Then Kamenielli, the guy we baptized last week, blessed the sacrament and I was so proud. He is such and awesome guy.

Jesus the Chris is the best book I have ever read.  I'm so fascinated with it.  As soon as I finished it I went to the first page and started reading again. I'm also reading an old teaching manual from the old prophet George Albert Smith and it is incredible. I shared a story from it last night at a lesson and I started bawling. The story is about this little orphan boy who had to get surgery and all he wanted was for the Lord to help him. He stopped the doctors and asked them to pray for him, they all said no.. so he knelt on the surgery table and prayed and all the doctors started crying. It is such a great story.

Lots of changes.. I got word that we are splitting my area because it is so big. There are 25 more missionaries coming from America next month.. I think that I am training... we will see.

I'm sorry that life isn't always peaches Momma,  Work will get better.Just think, you could be a Fijian lady, who can't take naps because she is to busy working, then comes home and slaves for her family and isn't even aloud to eat with them. She eats alone in the kitchen. It's horrible but we cant correct their culture. I would love to but I can't.

Eating on the floor really murders my knees, but houses here don't have couches or chairs. its because we are on the other side of the world, the bottom side, so we would be sitting on the ceiling.

This work is so hard, but so rewarding.  I love being a missionary but I think I am gonna die of old age before I get home. haha

Elder Moulton